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Thursday, June 7, 2012

postheadericon How It happened

I really wish this could be more specific, however, because I'm not really sure how this happened, the description will be a little vague.

The morning started out great and I was excited about a Scentsy trip that I earned and would be going on in 4 days. I was getting my daughter ready for school and in no rush. We were actually early.  We were walking down our stairs at home and I was holding Madison's hand and she was holding the rail. We were walking down and were even more than half way to the bottom. She bent down to pick up Roxi (our dog) toy and thew it to her in the living room, at that moment, I'm not sure why, is when I either slipped or lost my balance or something and I twisted my ankle. I didn't actually fall down the stairs. I sat down after the whole twisting and immediate pain. I grabbed a hold of my foot and oh..no... the ankle bone was no longer on the side of my foot where it belonged, it had moved to the front of my foot. and my foot was going the wrong way.

Knowing that my 4 year old daughter was standing right next to me, I was trying to hold back the screams.. The "ow" came pretty loud and with just the right intensity in my voice to have my husband come running from the bedroom. I'm sure he thought it was just a sprain because he goes, "oh, babe.. it's okay." That was just before I saw his eyes look down to my dislocated foot. We met eyes again. I said, "it's not okay" probably another 6-10 times because I wasn't sure what else to say. I was trying so hard not to scream or curse and instead suddenly remembered Lamaze breathing techniques.  Did I use Lamaze back when I was pregnant, nope, not once. But it's great to know that it paid off later in my life. While I was heaving in and out, my little one was in a state of shock, it seemed. Tears welled up in her eyes and she was just moaning and staring at me.

I'm not sure how Nestor carried me to the garage and put me in the car. But, he gained super strength for that 15 minutes of our lives. I'm not really clear on how the car ride went, and thank goodness we live about 5min. from the hospital.

Funny how you go to the emergency room and no one treats anything like an emergency.  Asking for my information is one thing, but trying to determine what my copay is for my insurance was not necessary at that time. Afterall, I wasn't going anywhere, well, not until I got some pain meds anyways.

They finally took me back in the "stall" where they would then be able to hook me up via IV. As much as those things kills me normally, I didnt feel one thing.  Next thing I remember was the ER dr. telling me that he was going to put my foot back into the right place and before he did that, he'd like to give me a local anesthetic. YES, YES, YES !! Whatever you have to do to fix it, GO!